Kieran Dziallo

Latest News

July 28, 2024 12:30 UTC

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be making updates to the site and adding some more content!

About Me

I'm Kieran Dziallo. Welcome to my page! This is a small landing page to stake out my little piece of the Internet that I completely control. Currently, I live in Washington, D.C., but I am originally from Chicago. Here you may find thoughts, opinions, pictures, and more. Sometimes I may post a link or two for what I want to share.

I have a good many hobbies that keep me busy. Notably, I enjoy working with free software projects, sewing, fountain pen collecting, wine tasting, learning langauges and more. Feel free to send me an email if there is something you'd like to discuss.

This place is likely under a permanent state of construction. So, feel free to look around!

Less is More

I would like to highlight that the entire website was written by hand in primarily standard HTML. Personally, I prefer simpler sites with less Javascript. So, while I could have implemented the latest and greatest JS library and force you to download the equivalent of a Tolstoy novel each time you load this site, I chose not to. Since this is primarily an informational site, I don't need a ton of interactivity or crazy display properties, and so I operate under the philosophy of "less is more." Plus, and most importantly, I just think it's more fun this way!